SEO link building

In Search Engine Optimization by Christopher J. Hanna

SEO Link Building

Strategic Link Analysis and Link Building Services

SEO link building internet marketing links

A strategic link building campaign provides the highest chances of online success. You need a combination of credible links and some links that are relevant to your industry and keywords. Results can be an increase in ranking for your site through fewer targeted links that produce more significant results. Link building is not about quantity or buying links; all links are not created equal. Two sites competing for the same keywords may rank very differently based on their linking strategies. An SEO expert will be able to help you with your backlinks.

Link Building Strategy and analysis

Link building is often thought of as external links, those that point to your website, from another site. These links are often called ‘inbound’ links, or ‘backwards links.’ Links should not only lead to the home page, and deep linking should be a goal. Deep linking is a strategy to acquire links that point to interior landing pages of your website.

From the search engines perspective, each quality link is considered a vote of confidence to that page, and in turn the website as a whole. Link count is one factor in the search engines ranking algorithm in determining rankings. When these links contain ‘anchor text,’ text that includes relevant keywords, they have a higher value or weight. With the completion of the strategic link analysis, a link campaign can begin.

Internal Links

A comprehensive linking plan also takes into account the internal link structure of a website. An internal link structure is how pages within your website link amongst themselves. Internal linking plays an essential role in ranking highly and ranking for multiple keywords. How sites link internally tells the search engines what is relevant.

Internal links are the easiest to obtain and to optimize. When correctly used, internal links, ensure that your web pages are spidered and that all pages are indexed, help create themes and relevancy, and increase the PageRank of interior pages.

Internal links include navigation text links, no image links, Javascript or image map links, only keyword embedded text links; breadcrumb links, these high-level link structures define your hierarchy and help direct your site visitors (and search engines) to on-topic pages; theme or topic links tell visitors and crawlers what related topics are and what is relevant; sitemap links list every link to every page and are necessary for usability and indexing; outbound links point to topical website pages and increase the relevance of the pages they are on when they link to external supporting information.

Maximizing internal pages through links helps in ranking for long-tail keywords and a more significant quantity of keywords. The more of a subject matter you become on niche keywords, the more relevant your site will become the broader site topic.

You must keep your links and keywords targeted and on-topic to see improvements. Define each pages keywords and topic first as well as anchor text pointing to that page. This applies to all pages, not just the home page, on your website.

Keeping your internal links ‘clean’ by displaying more content on each page, use robots.txt and meta robots exclusion tags to prevent duplicate content and other low information or non-relevant pages from being indexed and make sure you fix any broken links and redirect old linked pages to their new locations.

Finally, make sure your primary pages are linked to high in the site structure. Our Nashville website design can help ensure this is done properly.

SEO link building link building servicesExternal Linking

External link building services increase the number of quality inbound links to a web page to raise its visibility in the search engine results for targeted keywords. External links increase referred traffic, improve search engine visibility and improve relevancy to search engines for your targeted phrases.

Link building services require research and time. Competitor analysis can be beneficial in locating link opportunities. If a website links to them, and you offer the same information or products, there is a good chance that you should be connected to as well.

Social media can also be an excellent source of external links. Our social media marketing services can help you.

In SEO, the best way to acquire links is to give your targets a reason to link to you. You will most likely need to offer value and unique content. Merely existing is not enough. Developing tools, providing white papers, or submitting your expertise on a blog are a few approaches. Click here for an SEO definition.

Acquiring links involves sales, you must sell another site on liking to you, and most likely they must see some benefit in doing so. Your site must also warrant the vote of confidence and trust of the site you would like to link to you. Since you only want relevant, quality links, the time spent courting a website is well worth the time involvement.

Avoid the temptation to build too many links too quickly. Link acquisition must be natural. Do not look for the easy solution of paid links. Reciprocal linking can have its place, but again, if it is done naturally and is not too high a percentage of inbound links. This Moz article is an excellent resource if you want to learn more.

Link quality is more critical that link quantity; one PR8 link is worth well more than eighty PR1 links. The more trusted and authoritative the inbound links are, the more trust is associated with them, and the higher your rankings will be. Concentrate on your industry but don’t ignore similar opportunities.

Linkbait, social media links, and viral content work. This type of content can acquire links from websites that would never give you links otherwise. Link bait refers to the material that is extremely interesting or entertaining. Graphics, interactive elements, videos, infographics, and polls can also be used as link bait. Make sure to include a sharing mechanism like Facebook, Twitter, and social news sites like StumbleUpon. Content intended to attract links is easy to share on social networks.

As you can see, link building is time-consuming and complicated. It is an integral part of any Internet marketing campaign looking to rank higher in search engines. Contact us for expert level SEO Rochester.




SEO link building chris hanna 2019
Christopher J. Hanna Administrator
Christopher J. Hanna is an entrepreneur known for founding Atomic Design an Internet marketing company that specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) and web design, as well as TSM Agency. He sold his first six figure business at the age of 25 and has helped over 1,000 business over the years. He now consults other agencies and businesses in digital marketing.
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